Please Pass this information to all your Parents, Confirmation Sponsors, and Ministry Leaders focused on how we can be inspiring young people to virtue.

Braden Johnson will be doing an evening reflection this November for Parents, Confirmation Sponsors, and Ministry Leaders focused on how we can be inspiring young people to virtue.

The Theme is “Understanding The Hearts of Young People”.


Topics Includes: Chastity & Relationship, Social Media, Drawing young people deeper into their Catholic faith.


  • Date: Thursday, November 7th
  • Time: 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
  • Location: Prince of Peace Parish 12500 Carmel Ave. NE, Alb. NM  87122
  • Space is limited.
  • For: Parents, Confirmation Sponsors, and Ministry Leaders focused on how we can be inspiring   young people to virtue.
  • This Event Is Free


A flier is attached so you may advertise this event at your parish.