Thursday of the Fourth Week of Advent:
“O King of the Nations”
We celebrate Christ as the King of all the nations, the prince of peace. Conflict in the world seems like an affront to our faith, particularly at this time of year. Conflict in our families can be heightened because of stress. Rather than lose heart, we need to look for possibilities for reconciliation. Christ joins heaven and earth, bridging the distance that separates people from one another.
Francis’s understanding of his relationship to the Lord was shaped by the culture of chivalry, feudal lords and the knights who did their bidding. One of the formative visions in his conversion called him to serve the Lord God instead of an inferior human lord.
Accordingly, while he was sleeping one night, someone addressed him a second time in a vision and questioned him solicitously as to whether he intended to go. When he had told his purpose to him who was asking and said that he was going to Apulia to fight, he was asked earnestly who could do better for him, the servant or the Lord. And Francis said: “The Lord.’’ The other answered: “Why then are you seeking the servant in place of the Lord?’’ And Francis said: “Lord, what do you want me to do?” And the Lord said to him: “Go back to the place of your birth for through me your vision will have a spiritual fulfillment.”

What is Pentecost?

May 26, 2023